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Whether annual leave can be used across years

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Whether annual leave can be used across years


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:13

    It is not absolutely impossible to use annual leave across years. According to the laws and regulations, the unit shall make overall arrangements for annual leave of employees according to the specific conditions of production and work and taking into account their own wishes.

    Annual leave can be arranged in a centralized way or in sections within one year. Generally, it is not arranged across years. If it is really necessary to arrange annual leave for employees across years due to the characteristics of production and work, it can be arranged across one year.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 5 of the Regulations on Paid Annual Leave of Employees stipulates that the unit shall make overall arrangements for annual leave of employees according to the specific conditions of production and work and taking into account their own wishes.

    Annual leave can be arranged in a centralized way or in sections within one year. Generally, it is not arranged across years. If it is really necessary to arrange annual leave for employees across years due to the characteristics of production and work, it can be arranged across one year.

    If the unit is really unable to arrange annual leave for employees due to work needs, it may not arrange annual leave for employees with their own consent. For the number of days of annual leave that an employee should have taken but has not taken, the unit shall pay 300% of the employee's daily wage income for annual leave.


    2024-05-26 14:01:13

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