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How to divorce through the court

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How to divorce through the court


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:23

    1. The deciding party, as the plaintiff, went to the basic court of the jurisdiction to collect the manuscript of the document and draft the indictment;

    2. Prepare relevant evidentiary materials, such as marriage certificate, property list and other evidentiary materials, copy them for record, and submit the indictment in duplicate, copies of evidentiary materials and corresponding litigation costs to the court for filing;

    3. Wait for the court to notify the defendant to respond to the lawsuit (that is, to serve the prosecution materials), issue a subpoena for the hearing to both parties, and determine the date of the hearing;

    4. Before the court session, make psychological preparations for divorce, children arrangement (who claims to bear the costs of childcare), and property division plan;

    5. The court session was held. Make court statements, read out the indictment, listen to the defense of the defendant, accept court investigations (involving marital status assessment, children's situation, property situation, etc.), conduct court debates, participate in court mediation (required procedures), and make final statements;

    6. Waiting for court decision;

    7. If a divorce is judged or mediated, the marriage relationship shall be dissolved immediately.

    [Legal Basis]

    According to Article 120 of the Civil Procedure Law, in a lawsuit, a bill of complaint shall be submitted to the people's court, and copies shall be provided according to the number of defendants. If it is really difficult to write a statement of complaint, it may be filed orally, and the people's court shall record it in writing and inform the other party.


    2024-05-26 14:01:23

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