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Can I be a soldier when I'm on bail

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Can I be a soldier when I'm on bail


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  • 2024-05-26 14:02:00

    You cannot be a soldier while you are on bail. Because obtaining a guarantor pending trial is a compulsory measure in the process of criminal proceedings, which belongs to the situation of being investigated, prosecuted and tried.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 8 of the Provisions on the Political Review of Conscription stipulates that citizens in any of the following circumstances shall not be enlisted for active service:

    (1) Spreading statements with political errors, writing, compiling, publishing or publishing articles or works with political errors;

    (2) Having been subjected to criminal punishment, reeducation through labor, receiving education or administrative detention;

    (3) Being investigated or handled, or being investigated, prosecuted or tried due to suspected violation of discipline or law;

    (4) Having been expelled from public office, ordered to resign, expelled from school, or expelled from the Party, stayed in the Party for inspection, or expelled from the League due to serious mistakes;

    (5) Having the sign of an underworld organization or criminal gang, damaging the image of the country, or damaging the tattoo of social morality;

    (6) Closely related to foreign and overseas personnel with complex political background, which is politically suspicious;

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