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Whether ownership transfer is required for house certificate inheritance

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Whether ownership transfer is required for house certificate inheritance


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  • 2024-05-26 08:01:42

    After the death of their parents, their children have the right to inherit the house property left by their parents, but legal inheritance and transfer procedures are also required.

    There are three main steps in the procedure of inheriting the house ownership transfer: first, the heir should prepare the heir's death certificate, his heir's identity certificate, the heir's property certificate and his own identity certificate;

    Second, go to the Housing Authority to apply for property transfer; Then pay the relevant taxes. After the taxes are paid, the property can be transferred.

    [Legal basis] According to the provisions of Article 209 of the Civil Code, the establishment, change, transfer and termination of the real property right shall become effective after being registered according to law; Without registration, it shall not become effective, except as otherwise provided by law.

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