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What preparations should be made by the arbitral tribunal before the hearing

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What preparations should be made by the arbitral tribunal before the hearing


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:11

    1. Prepare your ID card.

    2. Prepare relevant evidence.

    3. Copy the relevant legal provisions in advance for presentation to the arbitration tribunal and use in the debate procedure.

    4. Prepare a written statement to prevent any omission due to nervousness in the court. In addition, submit it to the arbitration tribunal to make it systematically understand its own views and the reasons for the arbitration request.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 41 of the Arbitration Law, the Arbitration Commission shall notify both parties of the date of the hearing within the time limit specified in the Arbitration Rules.

    If the parties have justified reasons, they may request an extension of the hearing within the time limit specified in the Arbitration Rules. The arbitration tribunal shall decide whether to extend the time limit.


    2024-05-26 14:01:11

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