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Whether the voluntary mediation agreement can be reneged

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Whether the voluntary mediation agreement can be reneged


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:10

    You can repent. After an agreement is reached through mediation, when the mediation statement is served, if one or both parties refuse to accept the mediation statement, it indicates that the parties have reneged on the agreement reached through mediation. In this case, the people's court shall make a judgment in a timely manner.

    If a party goes back on his word after the mediation statement is served, he may apply to the people's court for retrial of the case in accordance with the law if the mediation is really wrong; If there is no error in the mediation statement, the party shall perform the obligations specified in the mediation statement. If the party refuses to perform, the other party may apply to the people's court for compulsory execution.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 99 of the Civil Procedure Law states that if no agreement is reached through mediation or one party reneges before the mediation statement is served, the people's court shall make a judgment in a timely manner.

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