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Can children inherit the social security balance

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Can children inherit the social security balance


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  • 2024-05-26 09:00:01

    Can inherit. In case of the death of an insured person or a retired person, the amount or balance of the personal account may be inherited according to law, and shall be received by the survivors who have gone through the formalities for the termination of the endowment insurance relationship.

    If the insured employee dies after retirement, the principal and interest of the remaining individual contribution shall be paid to the legal heir or designated beneficiary in a lump sum, in addition to the paid part of the personal account deposit.

    [Legal basis] Article 1122 of the Civil Code stipulates that heritage is the legal personal property left by a natural person when he dies. No inheritance shall be allowed to an estate that is not inheritable according to law or its nature.


    2024-05-26 09:00:01

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