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How to punish people who lend their cars to others for driving without a license

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How to punish people who lend their cars to others for driving without a license


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  • 2024-05-26 14:02:01

    If the lender knowingly lends the vehicle to the other party for driving even though the other party does not have a driver's license, and there is a traffic accident, the lender has obvious fault, he shall bear certain liability, and if there is no fault, he shall not be liable for compensation.

    Whoever drives a motor vehicle without obtaining a motor vehicle driving license, whose motor vehicle driving license is revoked, or whose motor vehicle driving license is temporarily detained, shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan, and may also be detained for not more than 15 days.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 99 of the Road Traffic Safety Law stipulates that anyone who commits one of the following acts shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan by the traffic management department of the public security organ:

    (1) Driving a motor vehicle without obtaining a motor vehicle driving license, or when the motor vehicle driving license is revoked, or when the motor vehicle driving license is temporarily detained;

    (2) Giving a motor vehicle to a person who has not obtained a motor vehicle driver's license or whose motor vehicle driver's license has been revoked or suspended for driving;

    (3) Escaping after causing a traffic accident, but not constituting a crime;

    (4) The motor vehicle exceeds the prescribed speed by 50% per hour;

    (5) Forcing a motor vehicle driver to drive a motor vehicle in violation of the laws and regulations on road traffic safety and the requirements for safe driving of motor vehicles, thus causing a traffic accident, but not constituting a crime;

    (6) Forcibly passing in violation of traffic control regulations and refusing to listen to dissuasion.

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