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Calculate annual leave package excluding probation period

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Calculate annual leave package excluding probation period


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:13

    The calculation of annual leave includes the probation period. According to the provisions of relevant laws in China, the labor relationship between employees and workers during the probation period is established, so the probation period should be included in the calculation of paid annual leave. National statutory holidays and rest days are not included in annual leave.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 2 of the Regulations on Paid Annual Leave of Employees stipulates that employees of government organs, organizations, enterprises, institutions, private non enterprise units, self-employed industrial and commercial households with employees and other units who have worked continuously for more than one year shall enjoy paid annual leave (hereinafter referred to as annual leave).

    The unit shall ensure that employees enjoy annual leave. During the annual leave period, employees enjoy the same salary income as during the normal working period.

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