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Can I work in the entertainment place during parole

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Can I work in the entertainment place during parole


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  • 2024-05-26 13:00:54

    During the period of parole, you can go to work in entertainment places, but you cannot leave your place of residence and report your work to the supervisory authority.

    Parole is a system whereby criminals sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment are conditionally released in advance after a certain term of imprisonment because they abide by prison regulations, receive education and reform, suffer from serious diseases or show true repentance, and will no longer harm society.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 84 of the Criminal Law stipulates that criminals who have been granted parole shall abide by the following provisions:

    (1) Abide by laws and administrative regulations and obey supervision;

    (2) Report on their own activities in accordance with the provisions of the supervisory authority;

    (3) Abide by the regulations of the supervisory authority on receiving guests;

    (4) Any departure from the city or county where he lives or any change in residence shall be reported to and approved by the supervisory organ.

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