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How to deliver the judgment

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How to deliver the judgment


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:15

    Direct delivery is the most basic way of delivery. Direct service means that the people's court sends a special person to deliver the litigation document directly to the recipient for signature.

    Lien service refers to the service mode in which the server places the litigation document at the address of the recipient and produces legal effect of service when the recipient unreasonably rejects the litigation document.

    In addition, the written judgment can also be delivered by proxy, by mail, by public announcement, or by hand.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 86 of the Civil Procedure Law states that if the person served or an adult family member living with him refuses to accept the litigation documents, the person serving the documents may invite representatives of the relevant grass-roots organization or the unit to which he belongs to be present, explain the situation, and record the reason and date of the refusal on the receipt of service;

    The litigation documents shall be signed or sealed by the person who served them and the witness, and left at the residence of the person on whom they were served; The litigation documents can also be left at the residence of the addressee, and the service process can be recorded by taking photos, videos, etc., which is deemed as service.

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