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What should we do if the family members are detained by the economic investigation

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What should we do if the family members are detained by the economic investigation


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:20

    In criminal cases, before the court judgment takes effect, family members cannot meet with the criminal suspect, only lawyers can see. Family members should entrust lawyers to meet the detainees as soon as possible.

    Before the investigation of a case is concluded, if the defense lawyer makes a request, the investigation organ shall listen to the defense lawyer's opinions and record them on the record. If the defense lawyer puts forward a written opinion, it shall be attached to the file.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 161 of the Criminal Procedure Law, if the defense lawyer makes a request before the investigation of a case is concluded, the investigation organ shall listen to the defense lawyer's opinions and record them on the case. If the defense lawyer puts forward a written opinion, it shall be attached to the file.

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