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How long before the renewal of residence permit

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How long before the renewal of residence permit


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:12

    The renewal of residence permit is usually one month in advance. The residence permit shall be issued by the public security organ of the people's government at the county level and shall be endorsed once a year.

    If the holder of the residence permit continuously lives in the place of residence, he/she shall go through the formalities of endorsement at the local public security police station or the community service agency entrusted by the public security organ within one month before the date of each full year of residence.

    [Legal Basis]

    According to Article 10 of the Provisional Regulations on Residence Permit, the residence permit shall be issued by the public security organ of the people's government at the county level and shall be endorsed once a year. If the holder of the residence permit continuously lives in the place of residence, he/she shall go through the formalities of endorsement at the local police station or the community service agency entrusted by the public security organ within one month before the date of each full year of residence.

    If it fails to go through the formalities of endorsement within the time limit, the use function of the residence permit will be suspended; If the endorsement procedure is completed, the use function of the residence permit will be restored, and the residence period of the holder of the residence permit in the place of residence will be calculated continuously from the date of completing the endorsement procedure.

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