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How to deal with the jurisdictional disputes of bankruptcy cases in practice

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How to deal with the jurisdictional disputes of bankruptcy cases in practice


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  • 2024-05-26 14:02:03

    Disputes arising from the jurisdiction of bankruptcy cases should first be settled through consultation between the disputing parties; If no agreement can be reached through consultation, it shall be reported to their common superior people's court.

    When appointing jurisdiction over a bankruptcy case, the common superior people's court of both parties to the dispute should consider not only the legislative purpose of the jurisdiction stipulated by law, but also the characteristics of the bankruptcy case itself, and formulate jurisdiction over the case in the principle and spirit of facilitating the parties and the trial of the bankruptcy case.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 3 of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law states that bankruptcy cases shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court where the debtor is domiciled.

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