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What are the legal risks in the arbitration process

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What are the legal risks in the arbitration process


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:11

    1. Risk of breach of good faith.

    2. The risk that the complainant's subject of appeal is unknown.

    3. Risk of improper arbitration request.

    4. Risk of late change of arbitration claim.

    5. Risk of exceeding the time limit for arbitration.

    6. Risk of failure to provide evidence.

    7. The risk of not appearing in court on time to participate in arbitration activities.

    8. Risk of improper submission of arbitration appeal materials.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 6 of the Labor Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Law states that in the event of a labor dispute, the parties shall be responsible for providing evidence for their claims. If the evidence related to the disputed matters is under the control of the Employer, the Employer shall provide it; If the employer fails to provide, it shall bear the adverse consequences.


    2024-05-26 14:01:11

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