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What are the forms of complaints

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What are the forms of complaints


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  • 2024-05-26 14:01:10

    Complaints shall be made in writing by letter, fax or e-mail; If it is really difficult to make a complaint in written form, it can be made orally;

    The judicial administration organ shall record the basic information, complaint request, main facts, reasons and time of the complainant on the spot, and the complainant shall sign or stamp. The complainant shall make a truthful complaint and be responsible for the authenticity of the materials provided.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 37 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights, consumer associations perform the following public welfare duties:

    (1) Provide consumers with consumption information and consulting services, improve their ability to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, and guide civilized, healthy, resource saving and environmental protection consumption patterns;

    (2) Participate in the formulation of laws, regulations, rules and mandatory standards on consumers' rights and interests;

    (3) Participate in the supervision and inspection of commodities and services by relevant administrative departments;

    (4) Report, inquire about and make suggestions to relevant departments on issues concerning the legitimate rights and interests of consumers;

    (5) Accept complaints from consumers, investigate and mediate complaints;

    (6) If the complaint concerns the quality of goods and services, a qualified appraiser may be entrusted to appraise it, and the appraiser shall inform the appraiser of his appraisal opinions;

    (7) Support the injured consumer in bringing a lawsuit or bring a lawsuit in accordance with this Law with respect to acts that damage the legitimate rights and interests of consumers;

    (8) Expose and criticize acts that damage the legitimate rights and interests of consumers through the mass media.

    People's governments at all levels shall provide necessary funds and other support for consumer associations to perform their duties.

    Consumer associations shall conscientiously perform their duties of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, listen to consumers' opinions and suggestions, and accept social supervision.

    Other consumer organizations established according to law shall carry out activities to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers in accordance with laws, regulations and their articles of association.

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