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What are the procedures for notarization

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What are the procedures for notarization


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  • 2024-05-26 14:02:01

    1、 Application. That is, the party concerned requests the notary organ to handle the notarization. The party concerned who applies for notarization shall submit it to the notary office in person and fill in the notarization application form.

    2、 Acceptance. That is, the process in which the notary accepts the notarization application of the party concerned and expresses his/her willingness to handle it.

    To apply for notarization, the following conditions shall be met:

    (1) The applicant has a direct interest relationship or other legal connection with the matter to be notarized;

    (2) The matters applied for notarization are not disputed;

    (3) The matters applied for notarization belong to the business scope of the notary office;

    (4) The matters applied for notarization are under the jurisdiction of this notary office.

    3、 Review. That is, the process of examining and verifying the qualification of the party applying for notarization, the civil relationship applying for notarization, the authenticity and legality of civil acts and other factual materials.

    4、 Certification. That is, after reviewing the notarial matters proposed by the notary public, the notary public believes that they comply with the law, and the notary signs and issues a notarial document. It is the last link of the general notarial procedure.

    [Legal Basis]

    According to Article 2 of the Notarization Law, notarization is an activity in which a notary office, upon the application of a natural person, legal person or other organization, proves the authenticity and legality of civil legal acts, facts of legal significance and documents in accordance with legal procedures.

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