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Whether 40 year apartment can be mortgaged

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Whether 40 year apartment can be mortgaged


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  • 2024-05-28 16:02:00

    Collateral usually includes negotiable securities, national bonds, various stocks, real estate, and bills of lading, bills of lading, or other documents that prove the ownership of goods.

    When the loan is due, the borrower must repay it in full, or the bank has the right to dispose of the collateral as a compensation.

    Houses that cannot be mortgaged mainly include houses with outstanding loans, some purchased public houses, affordable houses less than five years old, and small property houses without property ownership certificates.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 395 of the Civil Code, the following property that the debtor or a third party has the right to dispose of may be mortgaged:

    (1) Buildings and other land attachments;

    (2) Construction land use right;

    (3) Sea area use right;

    (4) Production equipment, raw materials, semi-finished products and products;

    (5) Buildings, ships and aircraft under construction;

    (6) Means of transportation;

    (7) Other properties not prohibited by laws and administrative regulations from being mortgaged. The mortgagor may mortgage the properties listed in the preceding paragraph at the same time.


    2024-05-28 16:02:00

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