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Can I get a loan if my house is preserved

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Can I get a loan if my house is preserved


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  • 2024-06-14 22:01:40

    If the house is preserved, no loan can be made. House preservation means that the debtor cannot repay the creditor's due debts, and the creditor applies for the court to preserve his property. Loan is to provide guarantee to the bank and borrow money from the bank. The property preserved according to the law cannot be mortgaged, which also means that it cannot be mortgaged to the bank.

    Legal basis:

    Article 399 of the Civil Code
    The following properties may not be mortgaged:
    (1) Land ownership;
    (2) The right to use such collectively owned land as house sites, private plots and private hills, except for those that can be mortgaged according to law;
    (3) Educational facilities, medical and health facilities and other public welfare facilities of non-profit legal persons established for public welfare purposes, such as schools, kindergartens and medical institutions;
    (4) Property with unclear or disputed ownership or use right;
    (5) Property sealed up, distrained or supervised according to law;
    (6) Other properties that cannot be mortgaged according to laws and administrative regulations.


    2024-06-14 22:01:40

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