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How to write the crime of bigamy

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How to write the crime of bigamy


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  • 2024-06-09 21:00:48

    The content of the indictment for the bigamy crime is as follows: Part I The defendant: name, gender, age, date of birth, place of birth, ID card number, nationality, education level, occupation or work unit and position, address, and the situation of the coercive measures taken due to the case, the current place of custody, etc. Defender: name, unit and mailing address.
    Part II
    The cause of the case and the source of the case shall be transferred by the Public Security Bureau to the court for examination and prosecution at the end of the investigation.
    Part III
    The facts and evidence of the crime shall be examined according to law.
    Part IV
    The reason for prosecution and legal basis indicate that his behavior violates the provisions of Article 258 of the Criminal Law and is suspected of bigamy.
    Supplementary items:
    1. Copy of main evidence;
    2. Evidence catalogue;
    3. List of witnesses.
    Legal basis:
    Article 168 of the Criminal Procedure Law
    When the People's Procuratorate has concluded its investigation of a case, it shall make a decision to initiate a public prosecution, not to initiate a prosecution, or to dismiss the case.
    Article 258 of the Criminal Law
    Whoever has a spouse and bigamy, or knowingly marries another person who has a spouse, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years or criminal detention.


    2024-06-09 21:00:48

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