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Can a Divorced Man Get Back the Bride Money

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Can a Divorced Man Get Back the Bride Money


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  • 2024-06-14 22:01:40

    Generally, they can't come back. After all, they have been married and live together. However, if the following circumstances are generally met, the court may support the return request, but it is not absolute. It should also consider specific details: no marriage registration has been handled, and no marriage certificate has been obtained; Having obtained a marriage certificate but not living together; Giving betrothal gifts causes difficulties in the family life of the giver.

    Legal basis:

    Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China

    The people's court shall support a party's request for the return of the betrothal gifts paid according to custom if it is found that the following circumstances exist:

    (1) Both parties have not gone through marriage registration procedures;

    (2) Both parties have gone through the marriage registration procedures but do not live together;

    (3) Giving money before marriage and causing difficulties for the payer.

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