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According to the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, what basic rights do workers enjoy?

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According to the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, what basic rights do workers enjoy?


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  • 2024-06-12 10:01:39

    According to the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, what basic rights do workers enjoy?
    1. The right to equal employment Article 3 of the Labor Law stipulates that all citizens with the ability to work have the right to equal employment, that is, workers have the right to employment. The right to work and employment is the right of citizens who have the ability to work to obtain the practical guarantee of getting paid according to work to participate in social work. The right to work and employment of citizens is the basis for citizens to enjoy other rights. If citizens' right to work and employment cannot be realized, all other rights will also promote the foundation. 2. The right to choose an occupation Article 3 of the Labor Law stipulates that workers have the right to choose an occupation suitable for their talents and hobbies according to their own will, quality, ability, interests and hobbies, as well as market information, etc., that is, workers have the right to choose an occupation freely. The right to choose a career is conducive to giving full play to workers' strengths and promoting the development of social productivity. This is not only the embodiment of workers' labor rights, but also a sign of social progress. 3. The right to obtain labor remuneration Article 3 of the Labor Law stipulates that workers have the right to obtain labor remuneration in accordance with the labor contract and relevant national laws. The right to obtain labor remuneration is an indispensable material guarantee for workers to continue to exercise their labor rights. 4. Right to obtain labor safety and health protection Article 3 of the Labor Law stipulates that workers have the right to obtain labor safety and health protection. This is the most direct protection for the life safety and health of workers in labor, as well as the enjoyment of labor rights. 5. The right to rest Article 3 of the Labor Law stipulates that workers have the right to rest. To this end, the State has stipulated the working hours and vacation system for workers, and developed facilities for workers to rest and recuperate. 6. The right to enjoy social insurance benefits In order to provide security for workers when they are ill or old, Article 3 of the Labor Law of China stipulates that workers enjoy the right to social insurance and benefits, that is, workers enjoy labor insurance and benefits including endowment insurance, medical insurance, work-related injury insurance, unemployment insurance, maternity insurance, etc. Social insurance and welfare is an objective need of labor reproduction. 7. The right to receive vocational skills training Article 3 of the Labor Law stipulates that the right to enjoy social insurance and welfare, and the right to receive vocational skills training is the basic condition for workers to realize their labor rights, because workers must have certain vocational skills to realize their labor rights, and to obtain these vocational skills, they must obtain special vocational training. 8. Article 3 of the Labor Law stipulates that when a labor dispute occurs between a worker and an employer, the worker has the right to submit a labor dispute, that is, the worker has the right to apply to the labor dispute mediation committee, the labor arbitration committee, and the court for mediation, arbitration, and litigation according to law. Is this easy to understand?

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