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How to make tax declaration for a company registered in Hong Kong?

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How to make tax declaration for a company registered in Hong Kong?


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  • 2024-06-12 10:01:39

    How to make tax declaration for a company registered in Hong Kong? If a Hong Kong company is registered, it may receive a tax return after 18, and then it needs to do accounting and tax returns. How should Hong Kong companies do accounting and tax returns. Preparation and materials to be submitted by Hong Kong companies before making accounts 1. Preparation of Hong Kong companies before making accounts: A Although the Hong Kong government requires annual tax returns, enterprises generally cannot wait until the end of the year to start processing accounts, and generally should start preparing accounting materials when there is business; B Classification and arrangement of bills: the sales bills, cost invoices and expense invoices are classified, arranged and placed in chronological order. If there are many bills, you can add a number with a pencil in the upper right corner of the bill. Note that the date of all documents provided is consistent with the date of the accounting period; C Recognized bills: compared with the mainland of China, the Hong Kong government recognizes invoices (self-made), receipts and notes signed and sealed by all companies. 2. Data to be submitted for account making and how to sort out financial data: Financial data can be provided monthly, quarterly or semi annually according to the actual situation of the company, provided that there is sufficient time for account making, auditing and tax declaration. It is suggested that your company should start with the following aspects in sorting out the accounting data: 1. Sort out the documents according to each business on a monthly basis: 1. Customers take orders or contracts; 2. Sales invoices; 3. Bank service charges such as bank receipts and payment notices; 4. Purchase orders or contracts issued by the company to suppliers; 5. Purchase invoices; 6 Bank memo for payment of goods by the company to suppliers 7. Transportation (sea transportation) fees, customs clearance and other fees related to the business of this memo 8. Bank statement and memo 2. Receipts and bank memo for receipt and payment of current accounts with shareholders and customers 3. Cash deposit and withdrawal receipts 4. Wage, rent, office expenses, entertainment expenses, and transportation expenses documents are classified and summarized monthly. Other relevant documents: two originals of the Articles of Association, annual declaration form, all company change information (if any), investment related documents, contracts for various equipment and tools purchased by the company, invoices, bank payment vouchers, cash payment receipts, etc. This is the relevant law about your problem.


    2024-06-12 10:01:39

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