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What should I do if my ID card is out of magnetism

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What should I do if my ID card is out of magnetism


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  • 2024-06-09 21:00:48

    If the ID card is no longer valid, you must apply for a new one at the police station or the public security branch where your household registration is located. The public security organ shall, in accordance with regulations, promptly handle the application of citizens for obtaining, changing or reissuing resident identity cards. The public security organ shall issue resident identity cards within 60 days from the date when citizens submit the application registration form for resident identity cards; In areas with inconvenient transportation, the handling time may be extended appropriately, but the extended time shall not exceed 30 days.
    Legal basis:
    Paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Resident Identity Cards
    If the State decides to issue a new generation of resident identity card, or if the validity of the card expires, or if the citizen's name is changed or the certificate is seriously damaged and cannot be recognized, the citizen shall obtain a new card; If there is an error in the registration item of the resident identity card, the public security organ shall correct it in time and issue a new card; When receiving a new certificate, the original certificate must be returned. If a resident identity card is lost, it shall be applied for replacement.


    2024-06-09 21:00:48

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