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I was hospitalized one month after I went to the social security medical service. Can I apply for reimbursement?

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I was hospitalized one month after I went to the social security medical service. Can I apply for reimbursement?


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  • 2024-06-12 10:00:54

    I was hospitalized one month after I went to the social security medical service. Can I apply for reimbursement? Cannot be reimbursed. You can use the medical insurance card and enjoy reimbursement after paying medical insurance continuously for half a year or more, provided you go to the designated hospital. Medical insurance card, also known as medical insurance card, is a functional card containing chips, which is used for identification and payment of personal account of medical insurance during medical treatment or pharmacy consumption. The medical insurance card is a special card for personal account of medical insurance. It uses the personal ID card as the identification code, and stores and records the personal ID card number, name, gender, account fund allocation, consumption and other details. The medical insurance card is undertaken by the local designated agent bank, which is one of the bank's multi-function debit cards. There are some differences in the regulations on the use of medical insurance cards in different regions, and China has not implemented national networking at present, and the use of medical insurance cards is still limited to the place of insurance. This is the relevant law about your problem.


    2024-06-12 10:00:54

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