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What is the meaning of "social security payment base of 2100 yuan"?

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What is the meaning of "social security payment base of 2100 yuan"?


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  • 2024-06-12 10:00:54

    What is the meaning of "social security payment base of 2100 yuan"?
    12100 yuan is the base for you and the employer to pay the social insurance, which is 2100 yuan multiplied by the proportion of their respective insurance; 2. The proportion of social insurance payment: subject to the full social insurance purchased by the unit, the calculation is as follows: medical insurance: 2% for individuals, 8% for units; Endowment insurance: 8% for individuals and 12% for units; Unemployment insurance: 1% for individuals and 2% for units; Industrial injury insurance: none for individuals, 1% for units; Maternity insurance: none for individuals, 1% for units; Provident fund: 3.5% for individuals and 3.5% for units. And the cost of work-related injury and maternity insurance should be borne by the unit?

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