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How to deal with divorce without marriage certificate

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How to deal with divorce without marriage certificate


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  • 2024-06-25 06:00:57

    (1) What to do if one of the divorced couples has no marriage certificate? If only one of the divorced couples has lost the marriage certificate, the marriage registration authority can handle divorce registration according to the marriage certificate of the other party.
    (2) What should we do if neither of the divorced couple has a marriage certificate? If both of the couple's marriage certificates are lost, the marriage registration authority can handle divorce registration according to the marriage registration file or the marriage registration record certificate provided by the party concerned. The party concerned shall make a written statement on the loss of the marriage certificate, which shall be filed by the marriage registration authority. If the marriage time is too long and the registration data at that time cannot be found, the marriage registration authority will not issue a certificate. In this case, only divorce proceedings can be filed. Proof materials issued by the unit and the local police station can be provided when the case is filed.
    2、 The marriage certificate is hidden by one party. How can a divorce marriage certificate be hidden by one party without a marriage certificate? How can a divorce be divorced without a marriage certificate? In this case, you can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to issue a marriage relationship certificate, but when issuing the certificate, do not tell the staff that the marriage certificate was hidden by the other party, and directly say that the marriage certificate was lost.
    3、 How to divorce without a marriage certificate How to divorce without a marriage certificate In reality, many people do not get a marriage certificate when they get married for various reasons. In this case, to solve the problem of how to get married without a divorce certificate, we should treat it differently. Then, what should we do if we divorce without a marriage certificate
    (1) Cohabitation occurred before the promulgation and implementation of the Regulations on the Administration of Marriage Registration issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on February 1, 1994. At this time, it was treated as a factual marriage. Unless both parties were willing to apply for marriage registration, they could only file a lawsuit in the people's court, and could not apply for divorce by agreement in the marriage registration department.
    (2) Cohabitation occurred after the promulgation and implementation of the Regulations on the Administration of Marriage Registration issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on February 1, 1994. This situation is not a factual marriage, but an illegal cohabitation, and there is no problem of divorce. The law of our country is based on time to solve the problem of how to divorce without marriage certificate. If they meet the conditions of de facto marriage, both parties can apply for a marriage certificate and then go through the divorce procedures. If they do not meet the requirements of de facto marriage or are unwilling to apply for a marriage certificate, they are cohabiting. It is not necessary to terminate the relationship through the civil affairs department or the court. If there is a dispute over the division of cohabitation property, it may also bring a lawsuit to the court.

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