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The debit card is not frozen. The passbook is frozen. Can I borrow money

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The debit card is not frozen. The passbook is frozen. Can I borrow money


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  • 2024-06-17 14:00:02

    The debit card is not frozen and the passbook is frozen. Whether the loan can be made depends on the specific situation. It depends on the reason for the freezing. It is not because loans can be handled if the arrears are frozen. How to unfreeze: to unfreeze, you need to go to the bank business office where the passbook was opened; You need to bring your ID card and passbook. Of course, if you report the loss of your passbook and apply for a replacement, you just need to take your ID card. Note that you must go in person, and no one can handle it for you; If you want to unfreeze the bank, you should explain the situation to the bank staff and then follow their requirements.

    Legal basis

    Article 233 of the Provisions on the Procedure of Public Security Organs in Handling Criminal Cases, if it is ascertained that the property, documents, mail, e-mail and telegrams that have been sealed up or detained are not related to the case, they shall be released within three days and returned to the original owner or the original post and telecommunications department or network service unit; If the original owner is not clear, the original owner shall be notified of the claim by public announcement. If no claim is made within six months after the original owner is notified or the announcement is made, the property shall be disposed of as ownerless property and turned over to the State Treasury after registration.

    Article 236 of the Provisions on the Procedure of Public Security Organs in Handling Criminal Cases During the investigation period, with the approval of the main person in charge of public security organs at or above the county level, articles that are easily damaged, lost, decayed or deteriorated and are not suitable for long-term storage, or are difficult to keep, may be sold or auctioned by the relevant departments after taking photos or audio and video recordings, and the proceeds of sale or auction may be temporarily kept, It will be handled together after the litigation is concluded.
    Contraband shall be disposed of in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State; If it needs to be used as evidence, it shall be handled after the end of the litigation.

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