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How to hide the transfer, sell off, damage the couple's common property or forge debts at the time of divorce

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How to hide the transfer, sell off, damage the couple's common property or forge debts at the time of divorce


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  • 2024-06-25 05:01:44

    When one party conceals, transfers, sells, damages the couple's common property or forges debts during divorce, how can the other party protect their rights through the law? There are roughly four ways to solve the problem of distributing the couple's common property: First, the party whose property has been violated should cooperate with the court to actively investigate and collect evidence, and obtain evidence of the other party's behavior, To protect her property rights and interests to the greatest extent, for example, in order to investigate her husband's forgery of a huge debt of 2.9 million yuan, a woman named Xian took the so-called debit note provided by the debtor and signed by her husband to the Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security to identify the writing time of the handwriting. After identification, the debit note was written in the divorce proceedings in early 1999, which was inconsistent with the borrowing time written in the debit note in 1996, so it was identified as perjury, Because Xian's husband forged huge debts and was found guilty of "crime of hindering testimony". Second, as long as one party is proved to have the above behavior, the court can give less or no share to this party. After divorce, the other party can file a lawsuit to the court if the evidence proves that the property during the marriage relationship is monopolized by one party with the above behavior, The request for re division of the husband and wife's common property is that the people's court shall impose sanctions on the above-mentioned acts that hinder civil proceedings in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Procedure Law. If fines, detentions, etc. constitute crimes, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law

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