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Where can I get a social security card

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Where can I get a social security card


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  • 2024-06-15 00:01:00

    To apply for a social security card, you can make an appointment with the application network by telephone or go directly to the social security card application service network in the street (town) to apply for a social security card. When applying for the household registration, you should bring your ID card, household register, application form (citizens with collective household registration need to bring the household registration certificate issued by the local police station or local police station) and other relevant information.

    Legal basis:

    According to the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, qualified personnel can make an appointment with the application network by telephone or directly go to the social security card application service network in the street (town) to apply for a social security card (including student status card). When applying for the household registration, you should bring your ID card, household register, application form (citizens with collective household registration need to bring the household registration certificate issued by the local police station or local police station) and other relevant information. The social security card is issued to the public by the local human resources and social security departments.

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