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How to apply for a birth certificate when the woman leaves without a marriage certificate

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How to apply for a birth certificate when the woman leaves without a marriage certificate


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  • 2024-06-20 01:01:43

    Is there no marriage certificate for the birth certificate? The birth certificate is handled in the production hospital after the birth of the child. It can be handled as long as the parents' ID cards are available. Generally, it is handled before the child is discharged from the hospital after birth. If it has not been handled for a certain period of time, paternity test is required. Related knowledge: What is a birth certificate? A birth certificate, also called a birth medical certificate, is a certificate issued in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care. This certificate records in detail the birth of the baby and the blood relationship with the parents, which is very important for the baby. At the same time, it is also an important proof material for declaring the baby's household registration and nationality, which has legal effect. As one of the citizens, the baby must have such a certificate to prove his identity. What's the use of birth certificate? A birth certificate is the first proof of a baby's life. Its role mainly includes the following aspects:
    1. It can prove that the baby was born in China and the corresponding birth status and other basic contents The Birth Medical Certificate can be used as a valid certificate to handle children's related matters. Precautions for handling the birth certificate When filling in the relevant contents of the birth certificate, the parents of the newborn must pay attention to the following matters: 1. When filling in the self filling form, parents must consider before filling in it. Once it is filled out and printed out, it cannot be changed. 2. When you get your baby's birth certificate, check it carefully to see if there are any mistakes in the part you fill in. Once found, explain the situation to the hospital where the baby was born and apply for a new one. The certificate is not allowed to be altered. If there is any alteration, it does not conform to the standard and is invalid. 3. Parents should pay attention to the certificate. It is a valid proof of the baby and a legal proof. It should be well preserved. 4. Here, we would like to remind you that you must give your baby a name before applying for a birth certificate, otherwise you may not be able to obtain the birth certificate successfully.


    2024-06-20 01:01:43

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