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What materials are needed for notarization of prenuptial property agreement

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What materials are needed for notarization of prenuptial property agreement


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  • 2024-06-26 03:01:42

    The unmarried couple can make an agreement on the premarital property situation and the property ownership situation after marriage before marriage, but the agreement of the unmarried couple should take marriage as the condition for the agreement to come into effect. Both men and women should jointly apply to the notary office and provide basic materials to handle the notarization in person:
    1. ID cards and household registration books of both parties;
    2. Marriage status certificate;
    3. Property certificates, such as house ownership certificate, vehicle registration certificate, stock certificate, etc;
    4. Proof of property source, such as purchase contract, effective judgment, inheritance notarial certificate, etc;
    5. Draft agreement;
    6. Other materials that the notary deems necessary during case review
    3、 What are the contents of the marital property agreement
    1. The name, gender, type and number of ID card, address and other basic information of the party concerned;
    2. The name, quantity, specification, type, value and status of the existing marital property;
    3. The ownership of the existing marital property and the ownership of the property obtained during the duration of the future marital relationship;
    4. The principle of the use, maintenance and disposal of property during the duration of the husband wife relationship;
    5. Other agreements, such as how to pay off the joint debt and ownership of property fruits

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  • law

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