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Brother divorce has - female, sister can adopt and register?

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Brother divorce has - female, sister can adopt and register?


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  • 2024-06-20 23:00:04

    What conditions should an adopter meet?
    1. According to the Adoption Law of the People's Republic of China, the adopters should also meet the following conditions:
    (1) No children.
    The so-called "childless" means that the adopter has no biological children, no adopted children and no step children.
    (2) Have the ability to support and educate the adoptee.
    The so-called "ability to raise and educate the adoptee" means that the adopter should have full civil capacity, have the ability to raise and educate the adoptee in terms of physical, intellectual, economic, moral quality and education of children, and be able to fulfill the obligations of parents to their children.
    (3) Not suffering from any disease that is medically considered inappropriate for adoption.
    The so-called "not suffering from a disease that is medically considered not to be an adoptive child" mainly refers to mental diseases and infectious diseases.
    (4) At least 30 years old.
    The so-called "over 30 years old" includes the number of people who are 30 years old. Joint adoption by husband and wife


    2024-06-20 23:00:04

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