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Where can I find my working age?

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Where can I find my working age?


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  • 2024-06-13 03:00:55

    Where can I find my working age?
    How to query seniority: 1. General private enterprises are not qualified to save employee files. The files should remain in the relevant department (talent center), but they can be queried. However, as long as you pay the social security fund, your length of service will be recorded in the computer of the Social Security Bureau on a monthly basis. 2. As long as you get on the social security, you will have a working age, but your unit basically pays 75% for you and 25% for yourself. If you pay as a liberalist, you will bear all the burden yourself, which is relatively high. 3. The length of service is also called the payment period. Only after 15 years (180 months) of payment can you go through retirement procedures, receive pension and enjoy medical insurance (there is medical insurance at the same time of paying social security benefits, and it will not be stopped). 4. The length of service is of great significance at present, because it belongs to social security. You just need to change jobs again. As long as you pay the social security benefits, it will be calculated continuously. In case of unemployment difficulties, you can receive unemployment benefits and reimbursement of 70% of medical expenses (two months for one year of payment, and 24 months at most). If you do not pay it in 180 months, You can't retire until you make up your salary before you retire. 5. Detailed length of service consultation and management in the Social Security Bureau, you can bring your own relevant documents to query. The length of service is calculated as follows: the retirement benefits of employees are related to the working time of employees, length of service, rewards and punishments, etc. Therefore, when employees go through retirement procedures, they can identify the working time of employees through the files provided; Determine the length of service of employees; The evaluation and employment benefits of model workers, middle and senior professional technicians, especially the recognition of the continuous length of service before the establishment of personal accounts (before October 1992) through file records, can ensure that their contributions reach the minimum retirement age of more than 15 years. If it is a person who works after the establishment of an individual account, his/her retirement benefits can be calculated based on the payment information in the computer of the pension center when he/she retires. This is the relevant law about your problem.


    2024-06-13 03:00:55

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