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Two people are not in harmony and want to divorce, but the man refuses to divorce, and both parents disagree. What should we do

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Two people are not in harmony and want to divorce, but the man refuses to divorce, and both parents disagree. What should we do


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  • 2024-06-20 15:01:42

    The freedom of marriage includes freedom of marriage and freedom of divorce. Of course, you can divorce. There are two ways of divorce: agreement divorce and litigation divorce. If the daughter is still breast-feeding, the woman can apply for divorce, but the man cannot apply for divorce within one year of the woman's childbirth or within six months of the termination of pregnancy. Children after divorce shall, in principle, be brought up by their nursing mothers. I suggest you think about your feelings calmly. After all, you still have emotional foundation before, or you won't get married. In addition, you have no job and no place to live. How can you raise your children? Divorce is not the only option.


    2024-06-20 15:01:42

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