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Can I change my family name

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Can I change my family name


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  • 2024-06-17 17:00:01

    In China, citizens have the right to change their names according to law. Adults do not need parents' consent to change their names. Minors need both parents' consent to change their names. In principle, they should follow their father's surname or mother's surname. Citizens can choose other surnames if they have legitimate reasons, but changing their names should not violate public order and good customs. The public security organ may refuse to accept the request for changing the name of the child due to the parents' divorce without consultation or without reaching an agreement through consultation; If one party obtains the change of the child's name due to concealing the divorce fact from the public security organ, if the other party requests to restore the child's original name and the divorce parties fail to negotiate, the public security organ shall restore it. According to the law of our country, although natural persons have the right of name, they should follow the law. Only under special circumstances can children choose a family name other than their parents'. For example, the family name of other lineal relatives, the family name of the foster person, and the family name selected according to the customs of a few folk customs are optional according to the law. In addition, in practice, the procedures for surnames other than the parents are complicated

    Legal basis

    Article 1015 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Natural persons choose surnames] A natural person shall follow his father's or his mother's surname, but under any of the following circumstances, he may choose a surname in addition to his father's or his mother's surname:
    (1) Select the surname of other lineal elders;
    (2) The family name of the dependant is chosen because it is maintained by a person other than the legal dependant;
    (3) There are other legitimate reasons that do not violate the public order and good customs.
    The surnames of natural persons of ethnic minorities can follow their own cultural traditions and customs.

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