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When is the court session after the divorce case is accepted

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When is the court session after the divorce case is accepted


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  • 2024-06-04 23:00:54

    The law does not stipulate when to hold a court session after the case is filed. The court will arrange it according to the number of cases in the court. The parties only need to wait patiently, and the court will notify the parties according to law before the court session.
    After accepting a divorce case, the people's court should first mediate the parties so that they can eliminate their differences and understand each other, so as to reach an agreement on divorce or reconciliation. If mediation fails, a court session shall be held. The parties and other participants in the proceedings shall be notified of the date of the hearing three days in advance.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 136 of the Civil Procedure Law, the people's court shall notify the parties and other litigation participants three days before the hearing of a civil case. If the case is heard in public, the names of the parties, the cause of action, and the time and place of the hearing shall be announced.

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