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Can you check the chat record of the female cheating on WeChat, the information of the male cheating on WeChat, their call records

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Can you check the chat record of the female cheating on WeChat, the information of the male cheating on WeChat, their call records


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  • 2024-06-20 21:00:49

    As one of the electronic evidences stipulated in the Civil Procedure Law, WeChat chat records can be saved as screenshots and submitted as evidence, but need to provide mobile phones for verification. However, in practice, it is difficult for chat records to be used as independent evidence to prove the existence of extramarital affairs alone, and other evidences such as photos, recordings, videos, neighbor witness testimony, etc. need to be provided to form a complete evidence chain, Achieve the purpose of certification. Legal basis: Articles 63 and 70 of the Civil Procedure Law can be submitted to the court as evidence of extramarital affairs. However, in judicial practice, it is difficult to obtain the support of the court by using WeChat chat records alone as evidence to prove extramarital affairs, and other evidence (such as audio and video recordings) is usually needed to assist. Legal basis: Articles 63 and 70 of the Civil Procedure Law

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