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When a prisoner is ill during his sentence, who will bear the medical expenses?

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When a prisoner is ill during his sentence, who will bear the medical expenses?


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  • 2024-06-12 22:00:49

    When a prisoner is ill during his sentence, who will bear the medical expenses?
    In principle, no matter whether the patient is ill during the period of imprisonment or not, as long as the person is in prison, the operation cost shall be paid by the prison, specifically by the prison district. But here we should pay attention to two points: 1. Under unnecessary circumstances (such as no life danger, no disability, etc.), the prison will not provide large (such as high cost) operations. 2. In the case of curable or incurable cases, the patient may still require the inmate to pay for the treatment if he/she requests treatment. In addition, according to relevant national laws and regulations, the prison has a medical institution qualified to practice medicine, which is responsible for the medical care of criminals. The prison will issue medical fees at the rate of 8.30 yuan per prisoner per month. The hospital will use them uniformly to ensure that criminals can be treated in time if they are ill. The prison shall conduct regular physical examination for prisoners engaged in special types of work and establish special health files. 2. Prisoners have the right to receive timely treatment when they are ill during their sentence. The situation you mentioned should not comply with the relevant national regulations. It is recommended to find the local judicial bureau or prison administration to reflect the situation. Of course, you can also explain that the plight of the family members is more appropriate. Prisoners refer to those who violate the system unanimously recognized by people in the current society and should be punished in a "labeled" way. Do you understand that?


    2024-06-12 22:00:49

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