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How long will the subpoena be received after the case is filed

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How long will the subpoena be received after the case is filed


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  • 2024-06-17 17:00:01

    1. After the case is filed, a subpoena should be delivered to the other party within 7 days. In real life, how long the court can receive the subpoena after the case is filed is generally controlled by the court, and generally within 10 days to one month. 2. After filing the case, the court should first summon the defendant and notify the defendant before notifying the plaintiff, that is, the court should first notify the defendant by telephone, and if the notice cannot be served by direct service, retention service, entrusted service, or mail service, then it should be served by public announcement. Service by public announcement means that the summons is served by newspaper from the date of issuing the announcement, It shall be deemed to have been served after 60 days. 3. The law stipulates the time limit for hearing the case, and the subpoena is issued within the time limit for hearing. Three months for summary procedure and six months for ordinary procedure, so the maximum time limit cannot exceed this period.

    Legal basis

    Article 125 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, if a civil dispute brought by a party to a people's court is suitable for mediation, mediation shall be carried out first, except where the party refuses mediation.


    2024-06-17 17:00:01

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