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Is it impossible to terminate the contract after it is fulfilled

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Is it impossible to terminate the contract after it is fulfilled


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  • 2024-06-04 23:01:40

    The contract cannot be rescinded after performance. The termination of contractual rights and obligations is the case when the contract is dissolved and the debt has been performed according to the agreement. The termination of contractual rights and obligations is a higher-level concept, including the termination of the contract, the debt has been performed according to the agreement, and other situations. The debt has been performed in accordance with the agreement, which is also called complete performance. It means that the debt in the contract has been fully performed in accordance with the agreement of the contract, meeting the creditor's rights, and realizing the purpose of the contract. The rights and obligations of a contract whose debts have been performed in accordance with the agreement have been terminated, and it is not necessary to terminate its rights and obligations again through the termination of the contract.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 557 of the Civil Code, claims and debts shall terminate under any of the following circumstances:
    (1) The debt has been fulfilled; (2) Debt offset; (3) The debtor places the subject matter in escrow according to law; (4) The creditor releases the debt; (5) The creditor's rights and debts belong to the same person; (6) Other circumstances under which termination is prescribed by law or agreed by the parties. If the contract is dissolved, the rights and obligations of the contract shall be terminated.


    2024-06-04 23:01:40

  • civil Relevant knowledge

  • law

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