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How to terminate the maintenance agreement

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How to terminate the maintenance agreement


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  • 2024-06-23 13:00:03

    To cancel the agreement on agency holding of shares, the agreement on agency holding of shares shall be signed. The specific form of the agreement on the cancellation of the equity holding agency is as follows:
    Party A: Legal representative:
    Party B: Legal representative:
    Party C: Legal representative:
    1、 Cause: On a certain date, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, through friendly negotiation, Party A invested RMB million in Party C in the name of Party B and entrusted XX to remit RMB million to Party B for Party C. Since then, Party B has become the nominal shareholder of Party C and holds shares of Party C on behalf of Party A.
    2、 According to the respective development strategies of the three parties, it is agreed to terminate the relationship of holding shares on behalf of others through consultation. The details are as follows:
    1. Party B transfers its shares of Party C to Party A. 2. Party A does not need to pay Party B the share price
    3、 The three parties undertake that, in order to avoid disputes arising from equity holding on behalf of others and solve the problem of bearing the possible adverse consequences arising from equity holding on behalf of others, the three parties have made the following commitments through consensus:
    1. Party A promises that after this agreement is signed and takes effect, any impact on the company caused by Party B's holding of Party C's equity has nothing to do with Party B. If the legal measures taken by the relevant administrative authorities or losses caused thereby are borne by the company, it has nothing to do with Party B.
    2. Party B promises that the rights and obligations of both parties have ended, and Party B will not claim any shareholder rights from Party C.
    3. Party C promises that if Party B holds the shares of the Company on behalf of Party A, all losses caused to the Company shall be borne by the Company, which has nothing to do with Party B.
    Finally, sign and seal, and indicate the date and place of signing.
    Article 12 Contract Content
    The contents of the contract shall be agreed by the parties, and generally include the following clauses:
    (1) Name and domicile of the parties;
    (2) Subject matter;
    (3) Quantity;
    (4) Quality;
    (5) Price or remuneration;
    (6) Time limit, place and method of performance;
    (7) Liability for breach of contract;
    (8) Methods of dispute resolution. The parties may enter into a contract by reference to model versions of various contracts.

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