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Contents of divorce indictment

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Contents of divorce indictment


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  • 2024-06-21 02:00:57

    1、 The name, gender, age, nationality, occupation, native place, work unit and address of the plaintiff and defendant shall be indicated.
    If there is an agent ad litem, the name, occupation, address, work unit, scope of agency power and relationship with the plaintiff of the agent ad litem shall also be stated.
    2、 It mainly states the marital status, divorce reasons and claims.
    (1) The marital status should specify when to get married, where to register and how to get acquainted, whether to be free in love or introduced, or whether to arrange or buy and sell a marriage, whether to have children after the first marriage or remarriage, whether the children's age and other information are separated now, and how long they have been separated.
    (2) The reasons for divorce should be clearly stated: what is the basis of marriage, whether it is good or bad, or whether the general feelings after marriage often quarrel, the main reasons and process of the quarrel, whether the defendant's current attitude has been mediated by the basic organizations such as the units of both parties or the neighborhood committee, and how the mediation effect has been litigated in the court before, and the court has handled the results. If the divorce case is caused by the involvement of a third party, the prosecution must provide evidence, the name and address of the witness. In a word, in this part, we should put forward sufficient reasons for asking for divorce.
    (3) In the claim part, one's own attitude towards divorce, how to raise children after divorce, how to bear maintenance fees, and how to dispose of the family's common property should be stated.
    3、 Indicate the name delivered to the people's court at the time of prosecution, the plaintiff's signature or seal, and the time of prosecution.

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