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How long should the industrial injury dispute end?

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How long should the industrial injury dispute end?


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  • 2024-06-10 09:00:48

    It may take one or two months for the industrial injury dispute to end, and the specific length of time should be determined according to the way of dispute resolution. If the labor arbitration is applied for solving the industrial injury dispute, the labor arbitration institution shall issue an arbitration award within 45 days after accepting the industrial injury dispute case.

    List of contents of this article:

    1. How long should the industrial injury dispute end? 2. How to call the police in case of industrial injury disputes?

    How long should the industrial injury dispute end?

    The industrial injury dispute may take one or two months to end. The time needed to solve the industrial injury accident depends on the specific situation. If the application for labor arbitration is filed, the labor arbitration institution will issue an award within 45 days after accepting the application.

    The arbitration tribunal shall conclude the adjudication of a labor dispute case within 45 days from the date when the labor dispute arbitration commission accepts the arbitration application. If the case is complicated and needs to be postponed, with the approval of the chairman of the labor dispute arbitration commission, the extension may be extended and the parties concerned shall be notified in writing, but the extension period shall not exceed 15 days. If no arbitration award is made within the time limit, the parties may bring a lawsuit to the people's court on the labor dispute.

    When the arbitration tribunal adjudicates a labor dispute case, if some of the facts are clear, it may first adjudicate on that part.

    How to call the police in case of industrial injury disputes?

    In case of industrial injury disputes, the police can call the police. After an accident injury occurs to an employee, the employer should first actively treat the injury and file with the industrial injury insurance agency by telephone, fax, network and other means within 3 days; In case of death due to sudden illness, it shall be filed within 48 hours after death.

    When an employee suffers from other accident injuries or is diagnosed and identified as an occupational disease according to the provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, and is identified as an industrial injury by the social insurance administrative department, the employer shall register the industrial injury at the industrial injury insurance agency within 3 days after the identification as an industrial injury.

    The operator of the employer can download the Registration Form for Industrial Injury Accidents from the Internet, fill it out by himself and fax it with the official seal of the employer or send it to the industrial injury insurance agency for filing.

    After the completion of the report, the person in charge of the unit shall take the original of the Work Injury Accident Record Form to the work injury insurance agency to get the fax or copy, and go to the agreed medical institution depending on the injury.

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