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The story of Mandela and three prison guards?

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The story of Mandela and three prison guards?


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  • 2024-06-13 07:00:03

    The story of Mandela and three prison guards? On May 9, 1994, after the announcement of the results of South Africa's first multi-ethnic general election, Mandela became the first black president in South Africa's history. Then came Mandela's inaugural speech. However, Mandela invited three people at the inauguration ceremony, namely, three prison guards who had held him for 27 years when he was in prison. The three prison guards did not treat Mandela well during his imprisonment, and even often abused Mandela. When they arrived at the scene, Mandela's speech made the three guards confused. After the inauguration ceremony, Mandela stood up to welcome the guests. He introduced the dignitaries from all over the world in turn, and then he said that he was honored to receive so many distinguished guests, but he was most happy that the three prison guards who had guarded him in Robin Island prison were also present. Then he invited them to get up and introduced them to everyone. Mandela's broad mindedness and tolerant spirit made those who had cruelly treated him for 27 years ashamed, and made all the people present respect him. Watching the elderly Mandela slowly stand up and respectfully salute the three guards who abused him, all the guests present and even the whole world calmed down. Do you understand that?

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