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What is the procedure of property inheritance

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What is the procedure of property inheritance


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  • 2024-06-25 18:00:01

    (1) Inheritance notarization Inheritance notarization requires two certificates and two certificates
    1. Issue the death certificate of the decedent at the local police station to which the decedent belongs;
    2. Issue the heir certificate to the deceased's unit (or neighborhood committee or village committee);
    3. The identity certificate of the heir;
    4. If there is more than one legal successor and the property is only transferred to one of them, the property ownership certificate or other supporting documents of the inherited property need the written consent of the other person to give up the inheritance of the property
    5. The testament made before the decedent's life (testamentary succession)
    (2) Materials required for handling property inheritance in the real estate transaction center:
    1. House ownership certificate;
    2. Succession notarization;
    3. ID card and photocopy of successor;
    4. Application for housing ownership registration (received at the receiving window) Note: A. If the housing reform and affordable housing are inherited, the Housing Reform Price Review and the Application for Approval of Listing Transactions of Purchased Housing (received at the receiving window) should also be provided; B、 If the successor is unable to handle the case in person, the power of attorney or notarial certificate, the trustee's ID card and a photocopy shall be submitted; C、 If the court makes a judgment, it is necessary to submit the court judgment and notice of assistance in execution; D、 If the heir is under age, the original and copy of the guardian's ID card shall be submitted
    (3) Required expenses
    1. Inheritance notarization fee Inheritance notarization fee shall be charged at 2% of the appraisal value of the real estate inherited by the heir or at 2% of the amount of benefit, with a minimum of not less than 200 yuan

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