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How to complain if the nail salon doesn't refund the money

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How to complain if the nail salon doesn't refund the money


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  • 2024-06-18 05:01:44

    The nail salon can directly complain to the local consumer association or the industrial and commercial bureau, or call 12315 to complain if the money is not refunded. According to the relevant laws and regulations of China, consumer complaints should meet the following conditions: (1) there is a clear respondent; (2) There are specific complaints, facts and reasons; (3) It falls within the scope of responsibility of the administrative department for industry and commerce. If a consumer complains through letters, faxes, short messages, e-mails, 12315 website complaint platform and other forms, it shall specify: the name, address, telephone number and other contact information of the consumer; Name and address of the respondent; Requirements, reasons and relevant factual basis of complaints; Date of complaint, etc. If a consumer complains by telephone or door-to-door, the staff of the administrative department for industry and commerce shall record the information mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

    Legal basis

    Article 11 of the Measures for the Administration of Industry and Commerce to Handle Consumer Complaints shall meet the following conditions: (1) There shall be a clear respondent; (2) There are specific complaints, facts and reasons; (3) It falls within the scope of responsibility of the administrative department for industry and commerce.

    Article 12 of the Measures of the Administration for Industry and Commerce for Handling Consumer Complaints, if a consumer complains by letter, fax, SMS, e-mail, or the complaint platform on 12315 website, it shall specify: the name, address, telephone number, and other contact information of the consumer; Name and address of the respondent; Requirements, reasons and relevant factual basis of complaints; Date of complaint, etc. If a consumer complains by telephone or door-to-door, the staff of the administrative department for industry and commerce shall record the information mentioned in the preceding paragraph.


    2024-06-18 05:01:44

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