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Whether the trial of the murderer is local

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Whether the trial of the murderer is local


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  • 2024-06-05 16:00:48

    The trial of a murderer may be held locally, and is generally under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the place where the crime was committed. If it is more appropriate to have the case tried by the people's court in the defendant's place of residence, the case may be under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the defendant's place of residence. The case that several people's courts at the same level have jurisdiction over shall be tried by the people's court that initially accepted the case.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 25 of the Criminal Procedure Law, criminal cases shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the place where the crime was committed. If it is more appropriate to have the case tried by the people's court in the defendant's place of residence, the case may be under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the defendant's place of residence.

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