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If the motor vehicle registration certificate and driving license are lost, can they be reissued? What procedures are needed?

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If the motor vehicle registration certificate and driving license are lost, can they be reissued? What procedures are needed?


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  • 2024-06-12 23:01:33

    If the motor vehicle registration certificate and driving license are lost, can they be reissued? What procedures are needed?
    1、 Relevant regulations 1. If the Motor Vehicle Driving License is lost or lost, the owner of the motor vehicle shall fill in the Application Form for Replacement and Renewal of Motor Vehicle License and apply to the vehicle management office of the motor vehicle jurisdiction for the replacement of the Motor Vehicle Driving License. 2. The motor vehicle applying for reissue of the Motor Vehicle Driving License must be within the regular inspection cycle of the vehicle. If the inspection cycle is exceeded, the relevant regulations on regular inspection of motor vehicles shall apply. 2、 Required data 1. Motor Vehicle Registration Business Process Record Sheet (with engine, frame rubbing and photos pasted on the back); 2. Motor Vehicle Registration/Transfer Registration Form (not required if the Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate has been obtained); 3. Application Form for Replacement of Motor Vehicle License; 4. Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate (not required if not handled); 5. Copy of owner's identity certificate (unit car refers to business license, organization code certificate, private car refers to ID card, and the original is verified by the filing window); 6. 3 vehicle photos; 7. Power of attorney and identity certificate of the entrusted person. This is the relevant law about your problem.


    2024-06-12 23:01:33

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