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What will be done if a dog bites a person and alarms

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What will be done if a dog bites a person and alarms


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  • 2024-06-15 17:00:48

    If a dog bites another person, the dog breeder has the corresponding responsibility. According to Chinese laws, as an animal breeder, the owner should bear the tort liability. However, if the dog bites the other person deliberately flirts with the dog and has gross negligence, the owner can mitigate or not bear the liability. However, if the dog you raise is a fierce dog, you should bear the liability for infringement regardless of whether the other party has intentional or gross negligence.

    If a dog bites a person, the owner has to bear the following expenses: medical expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses and other reasonable expenses for treatment and rehabilitation, as well as reduced income due to missed work. If it causes disability, it shall also compensate for the cost of disabled living aids and disability compensation. Among them, if the mark of a dog biting another person does cause a scar to the other person, then the beauty fee paid by the other person to treat the scar should also be paid. However, there is no legal basis for the other party to request payment of mental damages, and you can refuse to pay.
    Although the other party was bitten by a dog, the other party's expense claim also has a scope, and has no right to claim payment of mental damage compensation, and the following expenses that the other party requires you to pay must be supported by invoices. If the other party spent beauty money to eliminate the scar left after the dog bite, the other party should also submit evidence to prove.

    Legal basis

    Article 1166 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [Principle of liability without fault] Where the perpetrator causes damage to the civil rights and interests of others, regardless of whether the perpetrator is at fault or not, the provisions of the law provide that he shall bear liability for infringement, such provisions shall apply.

    Article 1245 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China [General Provisions on the Liability for Injuries Caused by Raising Animals] If the animals raised cause damage to others, the animal keepers or managers shall bear the liability for infringement; However, if it can be proved that the damage was caused by the intent or gross negligence of the infringee, the liability may not be borne or mitigated.

    The People's Police Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the people's police shall provide immediate assistance when encountering violations of the personal and property safety of citizens or when they are in other distress situations; Help shall be given to citizens who ask for settlement of disputes; Cases reported to the police by citizens shall be investigated and dealt with in a timely manner. If a dog causes harm to others, the public security department shall give a warning to the dog breeder and impose a fine of not less than 500 yuan but not more than 1000 yuan.

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